Dramiel, Tholos, Cynabal, Cenotaph & Khizriel Luminae Polaris SKINs
12,000 PLEX + 5 Luminae Polaris SKINs
The full contents of this package include:
12,000 PLEX
Dramiel Luminae Polaris SKIN
Tholos Luminae Polaris SKIN
Cynabal Luminae Polaris SKIN
Cenotaph Luminae Polaris SKIN
Khizriel Luminae Polaris SKIN
Advantages of PLEX
Exchange for Omega
Double your training speed.
Gain access to more ships, skills and modules.
Trade for ISK
Sell PLEX to players for millions of ISK.
Use the ISK to buy ships, modules, Skill Extractors and more.
Shop in NES
Buy Omega, ship SKINs, Multiple Character Training, HyperCores and more in the New Eden Store.
PLEX For Good
PLEX can be donated to the EVE Online PLEX for GOOD program, which supports various charitable causes around the world.